Botanical Benefits
Blue Cornflower
This strikingly blue flower is a great one for helping to treat fevers and infections. It helps improve immunity and prevent infections, especially some of the more serious ones, from setting in. Drinking tea with cornflower at the start of an infection can help lessen the severity and increase your body’s natural ability to fight it off.
Cornflower can also help to ease anxiety, reduce stress, and improve symptoms of depression.
It may improve digestion by helping to boost bile production. It also helps to lessen symptoms of constipation and improve bowel functions.
Flavor: These flowers have a sweet spicy clove-like flavor
Butterfly Pea Flower
Butterfly Pea flower has a range of benefits from digestion to skin health. It has been used for centuries as a detox tea and helps the body fight free radicals, which can damage healthy cells in the body. Not surprisingly, it is sought after, for its tremendous potential to augment physical and mental wellbeing.
Known as a brain herb, Butterfly Pea flower has been used to enhance memory, aid brain health, treat anxiety, and combat depression. Owing to its acetylcholine compound, the herb can also help fight Alzheimer's. Drinking butterfly pea flower tea offers many brain boosting benefits.
Rich in antioxidants, it contains significant amounts of the catechin EGCG - epigallocatechin gallate, as well as a host of anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting components such as flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols.
Flavor: These flowers floral sweet flavor similar to chamomile
Chamomile preparations are commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. However, it is most commonly known for its calming properties and mildly sedating effects.
It has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years to calm anxiety and settle stomachs. Chamomile accomplishes its magic by working with the gut, immune system and nervous systems simultaneously. We often think of these systems as being distinct, but they are intimately connected through millions of neurons. When we are stressed, our nervous system reacts by altering digestive and immune function. When the digestive tract is irritated, it alerts the immune and nervous systems and can put things on over-drive. Chamomile helps to bring the body back to baseline, both by soothing the nervous system and working directly on digestion — stimulating function with its mild bitter flavor and soothing muscle spasms and tissue irritation with its moistening, inflammatory and spasmodic actions.
Flavor: These flowers have a light floral taste with notes of apple and honey
People may find dandelions to be a nuisance when they pop up in their yard, since many still consider the bright yellow flowers weeds. However, it’s believed that the humble dandelion benefits everything from gut health to the immune system. In fact, many say that the flower is bursting with nutritional benefits when added to anything from salads to teas.
Sipping dandelion in your tea on a daily basis can become a new habit that helps your body’s innate detoxification process, enhance liver function, improve cellular health, reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar, promote gut health and battle bloat,
Flavor: These flowers have a sweet honey-like flavor
Elderflower is used for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds, influenza (flu), bronchitis, diabetes, and constipation. It is also used to increase urine production, as a diuretic, to increase sweating, as a diaphoretic, and to stop bleeding. Another health benefit of elderflower is that it supports a healthy blood supply and can help the detoxification pathways and in particular help with constipation.
A good thing to know about its health benefits is that both the leaves and the flowers help to impart anti-inflammatory properties. This can be helpful when feeling under the weather, suffering from seasonal allergies, or looking to reduce inflammation within your lifestyle (e.g. from processed foods or too much alcohol). The anti-inflammatory properties can be traced back to the presence of ursolic acid within the plant. Elder is also high in antioxidants.
Flavor: These flowers have a fresh, fruity lychee-like flavor with slightly tropical notes
Many of the benefits of goldenrod come from its astringent and anti-inflammatory nature. It also has antimicrobial and diuretic properties and has been used for everything from fevers to snakebites to urinary tract infections. One of the most powerful benefits, is its ability to reduce inflammation and pain. It's frequently used for sore muscles, injuries, arthritis, etc.
Goldenrod has also been used as a remedy for intestinal issues such as gas, bloating, upset stomach and diarrhea in the past. Its astringent, drying nature helps to tone tissues in the digestive tract. It likely also helps with inflammation caused by digestive upset and diarrhea and its bitter nature helps overall to stimulate digestion and improve absorption of nutrients.
Flavor: These flowers have a light pear flavor with a slightly bitter finish
Hibiscus is packed with antioxidants and offers many potential benefits. In particular, it may help promote weight loss, reduce the growth of bacteria and cancer cells, and support the health of the heart and liver.
One of the most impressive and well-known benefits of hibiscus is that it may help lower blood pressure. Several studies have found that it may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In addition, some studies have found that hibiscus may help improve blood fat levels, which can be another risk factor for heart disease. Interestingly, studies have also shown that hibiscus may promote liver health and help keep your liver working efficiently.
Flavor: These flowers have a tart tangy cranberry-like taste
Jasmine is rich in antioxidants that interact with gastrointestinal enzymes to facilitate better nutrient absorption and promote healthy bowel function. It also functions to promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria. The antispasmodic qualities of Jasmine make it helpful to relieve indigestion, stomach cramps and soothe inflammation.
The sedative compounds found in this herb have been found to promote peaceful sleep, help to induce sleep in insomniacs and regulate erratic or irregular sleep patterns.
Lastly, Jasmine has long been known as an aphrodisiac and libido enhancer and has a long history of use for gently nurturing women through each stage of their reproductive lives with natural hormone balancing properties.
Flavor: These fragrant flowers have a subtle, sweet and floral flavor
It's no secret that lavender is used far and wide to promote good sleep, and its true, it has an attractive, calming scent… but did you know lavender also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Neither fungal nor bacterial infections are pleasant to experience, and lavender may have more power than we previously thought to alleviate symptoms of both, along with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Growing evidence also points to lavender potentially treating or alleviating neurological disorders. Preliminary research studying lavender's impact on the nervous system suggested that lavender has neuroprotective properties that can protect your nervous system.
Finally, Lavender is said to help with different digestive issues like vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, and abdominal swelling.
Flavor: These pungent flowers have an herbaceous tart flavor
Lilac is known for its calming properties and is often enjoyed as a soothing beverage before bed or during relaxation. It is also rich in antioxidants that help to protect the body against harmful free radicals and reduce inflammation.
The flowers are used in the treatment of constipation, headaches, cramping, edemas, colds and flu, phlegmy coughs, stubborn coughs, bronchitis, itchy skin rashes, scabies, lung infections, nausea, full feeling, poor digestion, diarrhea, expels parasites.
Flavor: These flowers have a slight floral essence with a strong lemon citrus taste
Marigold (Calendula)
Calendula’s most popular use from ancient times to modern day has been for healing the skin of wounds, burns, rashes, itchiness, bites and swelling. It has been found that Marigold has the ability to promote the growth of healthy new tissue, increase blood flow to the affected area, boost collagen production, hydrate dry skin and speed up the process of skin repair following surgery or damage.
Due to its natural anti-microbial and antiseptic qualities, Marigold is an effective remedy for sore throats, gingivitis, tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. Drinking tea with Marigold will help to soothe the mucus membranes of the throat whilst easing the pain.
Flavor: Marigolds have a spicy, peppery and strong citrus taste
Peony has been used medicinally for centuries to boost microcirculation, treat inflammation, stop bleeding, and relieve pain by blocking the chemicals that cause the pain and swelling. It might also prevent blood clotting, kill cancer cells, and act as an antioxidant.
Peony flowers are used to prepare a soothing syrup that is effective against coughing.
Flavor: Similar in flavor to a light peach or strawberry essence
Passion Flower
Passion flower has been used in the treatment of anxiety and sleep problems, as well as for pain, heart rhythm problems, menopausal symptoms, and ADHD. It's anxiolytic effects are thought to be due to its impact on neurotransmitters. One study found that passion flower led to significant increases in dopamine levels. Some studies have shown that this flower will even work as well as some prescription anti-anxiety medications. It may also have an application in helping people addicted to opiates, such as heroin, to fight their addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
Traditional-use data supports its action as an antispasmodic, meaning that it reduces spasms in the smooth muscles. This is partly due to its relaxant effects on the nervous system and has been shown to have significant pain reduction and anti-inflammatory effects.
Flavor: A rich floral taste that pairs well with strong citrus flavors
Red Clover
Herbalists have long prized Red Clover for its traditional use as a blood purifier, using it to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream.Historically, red clover was used for asthma, whooping cough, cancer, and gout. Today, red clover is most often promoted for menopause symptoms, high cholesterol levels, or osteoporosis.
This flower promotes the drainage of mucus from the lungs by thinning the mucus and lubricating an irritated respiratory tract. It also promotes the secretion of sputum (phlegm), from the lower airways in a process known as expectoration and is an antitussive agent, which is a cough suppressant.
Flavor: These flowers have an earthy, herby, slightly sweet flavor, but not sweet like clover honey
Rosehips contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are believed to ease joint inflammation and prevent joint damage. They are rich in vitamin C and also contain many important antioxidants – plant chemicals that are naturally anti-inflammatory, shield immune cells from environmental damage and encourage the production of white blood cells.
Rosehips are rich in pectin, a naturally occurring polysaccharide that acts as a prebiotic – an indigestible fiber that is used in the gut to increase healthy bacteria, aid digestion and enhance the absorption of valuable vitamins.
Pectin also supports a laxative effect in the intestines and is helpful in cases of mild constipation. It appears that intestinal functions are modulated by Rosehips and as such, they can aid in cases of diarrhea, stomach pain and gastric inflammation.
Flavor: Rosehips have a slightly sweet, mostly tart and mildly citrus flavor
Sage Flower
Sage flower has been shown to increase blood circulation and decrease blood pressure. It's useful in relaxation as well and promoting strong cardiovascular health.
These flowers also contains high levels of natural phytoestrogens, which are beneficial in many aspects of feminine health and the reproductive system.
As a naturally sedative and relaxing botanical, Sage flower induces feelings of calmness and has been proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol , producing an antidepressant effect.
Flavor: Perhaps the most surprising of the botanicals, these flowers have a sweet, berry like flavor
Wild Rose
Rose petals are mildly sedative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic. They’re also mild laxatives, a good supportive tonic for the heart, and great for lowering cholesterol.
The antiseptic nature of rose petals makes them a wonderful treatment for wounds, bruises, rashes, and incisions. Taken internally, their anti-inflammatory properties make them an excellent treatment for sore throats or ulcers. They can stimulate the liver and increase appetite and circulation.
Rose can also lower your body temperature and help bring down a fever or cool you off in the summer. As an anti-spasmodic, it helps relieve spasms in the respiratory system, such as asthma and coughs. In the intestinal tract it is beneficial for cramping and constipation. And in the muscles, it can alleviate cramps and aid in the healing of sports injuries. Adding its antiviral qualities, you’ve got an entire medicine chest all in one herb.
Flavor: Very mild in flavor, this flower doesn’t have the overwhelming perfume like quality of rose extracts